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Ways to use Pimento Cheese!


Everybody knows that you can use pimento cheese on burgers, hot dogs, crackers, celery, and to make a great cheese sandwich, but there are so many other things you can do with Prof. Bailey's. Lasagna? Sure. On roasted potatoes? Great idea. Want a few other ways? Check out recipes below. Also use it in place of your normal cheese in some of your favorite recipes....let us know how it goes (we'll even add--and credit you--on this page). 


Angela's Pimento Cheese Coins
A pimento cheese cracker that tastes like a cheese straw and a snap to make.

1 package (8 oz) Professor Bailey’s Spicy Pimento Cheese
1 stick of unsalted butter
1 and ½ cupsall purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cayenne powder (put in more or less depending on how spicy you want the cracker to be)
1 cup chopped pecans (optional}

-Bring butter and cheese to room temperature
-completely blend with other ingredients
-roll into 2 or more logs 
-chill for ½ hour
-preheat oven to 350 before cooking
-bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown / crispy





P  i m e n t o

          G r i l l e d

                    C h e e s e

The key to a good grilled cheese has everything to do with the process. Anybody can just toss some American slices onto white bread and get the pan hot enough to melt it. What you've got to do is develop a grilled cheese style, and here's how we do it. 



2 slices, thinly sliced sourdough bread


Of course, Professor Bailey's Spicy Pimento Cheese.


Butter one side of each slice of bread, put aside.

Heat a skillet over medium and melt a pat of butter, spreading the butter evenly around.

Brown the non-buttered side of each slice in the skillet.

Spread a generous heaping of Professor Bailey's on the toasted side of a slice of bread. Place the other slice on top, making the sandwich complete.

Brown the whole sandwich now, using a spatula to place occasional pressure on the top of each side to melt the cheese evenly.

One tip is to not turn the heat up too high. It's better to grill your sandwich slowly, rather than using high heat, because you might end up browning the outside of your bread and leaving the cheese inside unmelted. That, my friends, would be a crying shame.

Pimento Cheese Grits

1 cup stone ground grits

2 teaspoons salt

one container of Prof. Bailey’s Spicy Pimento Cheese

¼ cup cream

3 tablespoons butter

½ teaspoon black pepper


Bring four and a half cups of water to a boil in a heavy pot. Whisk in grits in a slow steady stream. When water returns to boiling, turn eye down to a low simmer. Stir grits regularly until they become a thin mush (7 minutes). Cover pot slightly ajar and keep on a low simmer for about 30-35 minutes. Stir occaisionally. When they are creamy and smooth, stir in salt with a wooden spoon the allow to simmer for about five more minutes. Add cheese, cream, butter, and pepper and stir constantly until cheese and butter are melted and all ingredients fully incorporated.


Makes about 8 servings. 

No. 65 Pimento Cheese Souffle


Adapted from Kitchen Sense, by Mitchell Davis


1 tablespoon finely grated Parmigiano Reggiano

1 cup bechamel (extra thick: use 2 tablespoons butter to 3 tablespoons flour for the roux)

1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard

5 ounces Professor Bailey's Spicy Pimento Cheese

4 large eggs separated, at room temperature



Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Grease a 7-cup souffle dish.

Put the Parmigiano in the dish and shake around so that it is evenly coated.

Set aside. In a small saucepan, warm the bechamel until it comes to a simmer.

Add the Dijon mustard.

Remove from heat and tir in pimento cheese. When the cheese is melted and fully incorporated, transfer mixture to a medium-sized bowl and let cool slightly.

Stir in egg yolks and set aside.


In a separate bowl, using an electric mixer (unless you really want to give your wrist a workout), beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt on medium-low until tehy are frothy white (1-2 minutes). Increase the speed to high and beat until the whites hold stiff peaks.


Using a rubber spatula, transfer 1/4 of the egg whites to the cheese mixture and gently stir in to lighten it. Then, empty remaining egg whites into cheese mixture and fold them in to incorporate.


Transfer mixture to baking dish and place dish in oven. Set time for 18 minutes. Do not open oven until timer goes off. When the timer goes off, peek into oven to make sure the souffle has risen. Carefully close the door and lower temperature to 375. Bake for about ten more minutes (until souffle has browned and there are no wet, shiny patches on top).


After it has browned, remove from oven and serve immediately. A large spoon is the easiest serving implement. Make sure everyone gets some of the browned crust.

No. 34 Professor Bailey's PRO-tel Queso Dip



1 16 ounce package Velveeta cheese

1 8 ounce container Professor Bailey's Spicy Pimento Cheese

1 can Ro*Tel Tomatoes & Green Chiles

1-2 medium-sized jalapenos, diced

Tortilla chips, for dipping


Combine ingredients in a large slow cooker.

Cook on low for 2 hours, or until ingredients combine to desired consistency.

Transfer to serving dish and provide plenty of tortilla chips for dipping. Enjoy.


No. 12 Pimento Cheese Cornbread


Makes about eight servings
Time: about 45 minutes (15 minutes prep and 30 minutes baking)

1 and ½ cups buttermilk
2 tablespoons butter
1 and ½ cups cornmeal
½ cup all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tsp. salt
½ jalapeno cored, seeded, diced
Pinch crushed chilies
Pinch chili powder
2 eggs (lightly beaten)
8 ounces Professor Bailey’s Spicy Pimento Cheese 

Preheat oven to 375

In an 8-inch cast iron skillet, melt the butter on the stovetop (med to med low heat). Set aside and let cool

Mix dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. 

Kneed pimento cheese into dry ingredients until thoroughly blended

In a separate bowl mix buttermilk and eggs. Pour and mix cooled butter from 8-inch skillet (don’t wipe clean and set skillet to side). 

Mix wet ingredients into dry (don’t over mix). Then mix in diced jalapenos. 

Pour batter into skillet. You can sprinkle more pimento cheese or other cheese of your choice over the top (optional) and bake for 30 minutes.

No. 71 Pimento Cheese Mornay Sauce


Makes more than two cups

Perfect topping for pasta (makes great mac and pimento cheese)


2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1.5 cups milk
pinch: black pepper, salt, nutmeg
1 cup (8 ounces) Professor Bailey's Spicy Pimento Cheese

Melt butter in a medium sized sauce pan on medium low heat. 

When butter is melted and bubbling, add flour.

Patiently stir until mixture begins to brown.

Slowly stir in milk. 

Add pepper, salt, and nutmeg.

Stir slowly until mixture thickens and comes close to boiling. 

Reduce heat to low and stir in 1/4 of the cheese. Stir until cheese is fully incorporated, then add next fourth of cheese. Continue until all the cheese is incorporated. 

Remove from heat. You can use it immediately, keep in the refrigerator for a few days, or freeze for about a month.

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